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The clay tiled roof on this house was covered with moss and a honeysuckle climber which made the house look quite unloved. Following a detailed risk assessment the roof surfaces were carefully cleaned by hand. Roof areas were accessed via a scaffold tower or specialist ladders reducing the risk of damage to the surface as it was cleaned. The roof was treated with a low pressure application of Algoclear Pro to kill any remaining moss, lichen and general biofilm ensuring long term protection from recolonisation. The appearance of the roof will continue to improve with the natural weathering process.


This patio had previously been pressure washed leaving areas of pointing in poor condition and which, as is often the case, failed to remove patio black spot and lichen. It also leaves behind spores and roots meaning the surface will need cleaning far more regularly.

Carefully applied jet washing was followed by softwashing which killed the roots and general biofilm producing a finished result which our customer commented had far exceeded his expectations.


This rendered garden wall was clearly showing signs of contamination from a range of algae, moss and mould resulting in a very unattractive appearance spoiling the kerb appeal of the home. If the owners had attempted to pressure wash the wall and then repaint it the spores and roots would have remained and grown back through.

We applied a specialist software product killing the growth in situ.

Our client was very concerned about her newly planted roses in the flower bed that bordered the wall and full precautions were taken to protect them to ensure they remained undamaged. The results are clear to see with some lovely roses a few months later.


The cedar shingle roof was showing clear signs of contamination from moss, lichen and black algae. The UPVC guttering was also dirty and the decking in front was in need of cleaning & restoration. Sofwashing was applied to the roof, gutters and decking with care taken to protect nearby plants and lawn.

Over the following months any remaining lichen and moss detached from the tiles helped by the natural weathering process. The previous black patchy appearance of the roof was gone with a more appealing sun bleached look with clean guttering and a freshly oiled decking adding to the improved look.


The York stone paving surrounding the pool was in need of a thorough renovation. The pointing was in very poor condition and the owner was concerned that any cleaning methods should not exacerbate this. Carefully applied variable pressure washing which left the pointing untouched was completed followed by thorough softwashing to remove any remaining surface contaminants. The original colour of the stone was revealed giving a premium quality look to an area of the garden that had looked very unloved.


The outdoor patio at Horsley Sport and Tennis Club had not been cleaned for many years.

Following a full risk assessment the work was carried so as to cause minimum disruption.

Professionally applied jet washing revealed the natural colour of the stone and brick edging and we even cleaned the UPVC flag pole removing a coating of black algae.


A set of four stone urn planters were showing signs of lichen and algae contamination commonly found on external surfaces like this subjected to the English weather. The surfaces were carefully treated with softwash products to avoid  damaging the mature planting within them and to provide a long term protection against recolonisation of the surface. The results after a few weeks post treatment show a vast improvement whilst still retaining the aged look of the urns.


Clay tiled roofs are very common in Surrey and the original natural colour shows a mix of terracotta coloured hues and tones. But their porous surface is very susceptible to colonisation from moss and lichen. To clean effectively it was important to remove as much of the moss as possible to allow our softwash products to reach the tile surface. Once the moss had been carefully removed by hand the surface was treated with Algoclear Pro which will ensure it remains clean for several years. Any dead lichen and moss remnants will weather off in the months ahead with the visual appearance of the roof continuing to improve.


UPVC facias and guttering can be cleaned very effectively with softwashing products leaving them looking as new and free of contanimants as these images clearly show. The chemical is sprayed onto the surface and then washed off leaving a sparkling clean looking surface.